Lucy Frazer MP was thrilled to attend the official opening of the Ely Bypass on Wednesday October 31st. Having campaigned for the Bypass since before being elected in 2015 and having worked closely with the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, James Palmer, the County Council, the District Council, the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Department of Transport to ensure Government funding for the project, she was pleased to be present to mark the occasion.
She said, "This is the culmination of a huge amount of hard work over many years by all those who have campaigned for this bypass. The new road will ease traffic and make journeys quicker for everyone. Reducing the amount of traffic through the centre of Ely will improve the area and have a positive impact on our economy. I am delighted to be here today."
Pictured: Lucy Frazer MP with Councillors Anna Bailey and Steve Count on the new Ely Bypass