I have been campaigning to dual the A10 for a number of years. It is a critical part of Cambridgeshire’s infrastructure, with more than 18,000 vehicles using this busy section of road that stretches from the Milton Interchange in Cambridge to the A142 in Ely every day. Many of the key sectors of the region’s economy - including tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and retail rely on the A10.
I am therefore pleased that the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority has launched a ‘virtual room’, with details and maps for eights options for the project. I understand that the Combined Authority plans to hold community information and engagement walk-ins later in the process, but, until then, this virtual public event presents the key points to help people decide on the issues and options. It remains open until 14th July 2020, and I encourage you to share your feedback on the proposals outlined.
Visit the virtual room here: https://a10dj.exhibition.app/