From the 4th July, the following businesses can open:
- hotels, B&Bs, holiday apartments, cottages
- campsites, caravan parks, boarding houses
- places of worship
- libraries and community centres
- workplace cafes
- bars, restaurants and pubs
- cinemas and theatres (no live performances)
- museums and galleries
- hairdressers and barbers
- outdoor gyms and playgrounds
- adventure parks, fun fairs and amusement arcades
- aquariums and zoos
- social clubs and model villages
- Up to six people can meet outside from a safe distance.
- Single people can form a “support bubble” with one other household and act as if they live in the same household, without social distancing.
- And from the 4th July two households will be able to meet up in any setting – keeping a social distance of at least one metre, plus mitigations which reduce the risk of transmission.
- Those who have been asked to shield themselves can now safely spend time outside with members of their household or, if they live alone, with one other person.
- From 6 July those shielding can gather in groups of up to six people outdoors and for those that live alone or are single parents, they will be able to form a ‘support bubble’ with another household, while maintaining social distancing.
- And from 1 August people will no longer be advised to shield.