In the coming years, Network Rail is planning major improvements to the rail network across the entire eastern region, as part of a program called the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement, or EACE. The plans are at a very preliminary stage. However, those with thoughts about the kinds of services they would like to see that are not in place at the moment should take part in Network Rail’s consultation, which is now accepting submissions.
More information about EACE is here:…/ely-area-capacity-enhancem…/
Likewise, you can take part in the consultation by visiting:
Local residents may recall that the last time Network Rail proposed changes in this area - albeit in a much more limited way, through the planned redevelopment of Ely North Junction - there was significant concern that Queen Adelaide and Prickwillow might losing direct their direct road access to Ely, dramatically lengthening journey time to the town. This, understandably, caused immense distress to residents. Even though the EACE process is only at a conceptual stage, I have already taken part in the consultation to stress the importance of ensuring that any new developments that are proposed do not lead to such an outcome.
The EACE process is likely to be far larger in scale than the proposed redevelopment of Ely North Junction, encompassing the construction of new level crossings and bridges. Maintaining the direct road links between Ely and is neighbouring villages should therefore be possible. However, I will continue to make this point in all of my discussions with Network Rail, and keep you informed of any and all developments. I look forward to considering the Network Rail’s plans in detail when they are published, and in the meantime, encourage you to take part in the consultation so your priorities can be taken into account.