Improvements to the A10 are vital to ensure that our infrastructure keeps pace with wider changes in our local area to jobs and housing.
Last week I met with the team from Cambridgeshire County Council / Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority who are examining the upgrades that can be made to the A10. The study is co-funded by the Department for Transport and the Combined Authority.
The meeting gave an update on the work the team has been doing, and also I arranged the meeting to make sure that the study is on track and will avoid any unnecessary delays.
The team has been focusing on assessing the potential carbon impact of all the possible upgrade options, with a view to completing this by the end of March before taking their plans to the County Council's Highways & Transport Committee at the County Council in Summer 2023.
As the work progresses, I will continue to meet with this team and other stakeholders and continue to press for these vital improvements.