Last week I visited Ely College to surprise four staff members who were each nominated for the COVID Community Champions Awards. This was a chance to thank them for their incredible work in keeping the school community safe over the last two years.
Lead safeguarding officer Lynn Riches and Welfare Officer Claire Lucas both conducted hundreds of ‘safe and well’ visits, delivering food parcels and ensuring that families had everything they needed through some of the hardest parts of the pandemic.
Adam Steels, the current Head of Sixth Form, was responsible for the set up and administration of asymptomatic testing. On top of this huge task, he also ensured that all the school’s arrangements were COVID compliant.
The school’s COVID testing programme would not have been possible without Student Support Assistant Caroline Price, who ensured that testing volunteers were well-looked after and made the provision of the programme a success.
Having met the team, I have no doubt that their work not only kept the school safe but also kept the community’s morale up through some very difficult times.